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Add a luminous note to your look with a Beauty Glazed Eyeshadow Palette ! Specially created to add just the right glow to your eyes, each palette contains a variety of silky smooth, vibrant colors in a convenient case. These easy blending and long-wear Beauty Glazed colors will keep your eyes radiant all day and night long! Choose from...
Add a luminous note to your look with a Beauty Glazed Eyeshadow Palette! Specially created to add just the right glow to your eyes, each palette contains a variety of silky smooth, vibrant colors in a convenient case. These easy blending and long-wear Beauty Glazed colors will keep your eyes radiant all day and night long! Choose from among three color palettes to suit a variety of looks and occasions: * 18-Color Beauty Glazed Perfect Mix Eye Shadow * 16-Color Beauty Glazed Rock Metal Eye Shadow * 14-Color Beauty Glazed Perfect Neutral Eye Shadow
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Thursday 30 November 2017

Know Your Rhesus Factor- Very Important


Rhesus Factor is an antigen that exists on the surface of red blood cells in most people (about 85% of humans). It is also referred to as Rh Factor. People who have the Rh have “positive” (+) blood types, such as A+, O+ or B+ are said to be rhesus Factor positive,  while those who  have the Rh  “negative” (-) blood types, such as A–, O– or AB– are said to be rhesus factor negative . The “+” and “-” in front of the blood group is the Rhesus factor. Generally, we have A+, A–, B+, B–, AB+, AB–, O+ and O–. Rhesus factor is genetic in nature. It is inherited from the parents, emphatically the father.

How does Rhesus Factor cause miscarriage?

If a Rh– woman is impregnated by a man with Rh–, there wouldn’t be any problem. However, if a Rh– woman is impregnated by a man with Rh+, there would be a problem if the baby inherits Rh+ from the father . We have here what is medically called Rhesus Factor Incompatibility. The baby would obviously be Rh+. During child birth, once the baby’s Rh+ comes in contact with the woman Rh- during delivery, the antibodies are immediately activated by the woman’s body’s immune system.

Managing Diabetes Without Drugs.


Millions of people worldwide suffer fromDiabetes. Diabetes is a life-long disease that affects the way your body handles glucose in your blood. There are different types of diabetes and the most common of all is the Type 2 Diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes in which your pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or your body does not properly use the insulin it makes. As a result, glucose builds up in your blood instead of being used for energy.

As a result, patients who suffer from diabetes are prescribed with medications to control their diabetes which, in a long run, can potentially damage the liver and kidneys.

In a study conducted by the University College London, The University of Michigan, and Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs Hospital, it was found that, “for many people, the benefits of taking diabetes medications are so small that they are outweighed by the minor harms and risks associated with treatment. The benefits of treatment decline with age and by age 75 the harms of most treatments are likely to outweigh any potential benefits.”

The good news about diabetes is that, you can live a long and healthy life by keeping your blood glucose levels in the target range set by you and your health-care provider by drinking these 2 juice recipes that will help to reverse your Type 2 diabetes  naturally from 1 week:

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Great Benefits of Fruits And Vegetables



•Protect your heart.
•Strengthen bones.
•Control blood pressure
•Block diarrhea.

•Prevent constipation.
•Help hemorrhoids.
•Lower cholesterol.
•Combat cancer.
•Stabilize blood sugar.

•Saves eyesight.
•Combats cancer.
•Protects your heart.
•Controls blood pressure.

•Combats cancer.
•Prevents constipation.
•Promotes weight loss.
•Protects your heart.
•Helps hemorrhoids.

•Save eyesight.
•Protect your heart.
•Prevent constipation.
•Combat cancer.
•Promote weight loss.

•Protects against Prostate Cancer.
•Combats Breast Cancer.
•Strengthens bones.
•Banishes bruises.
•Guards against heart disease.

Sperm Boosting with Guava Leaves


Guava leaves are great for your well being, the young leaves of guava tree can be brewed to make a magical tea. These leaves are powerhouse of antioxidants like vitamin C.

Guava leaves helps in SPERM BOOSTING.
For sperm boosting; get good quantity of guava leaves and carrots. Wash properly, slice the carrots and put them at the base of your pot, put the guava leaves on it and boil till it is properly done. Take a glass cup of the water solution morning and night. You can prepare another fresh water solution if the concentration is getting low! Try to abstain from sex while taking the herbs to allow proper build up, you can take a week off, after taking the herb for a week, meet with your wife then go for medical check up to know how far.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Natural Cure For Common Diseases


1) Malaria: Get a pot full of lemon grass and lime, boil and drink a cup twice a day, children should take ¼ of a glass cup twice a day. Or prepare Lipton tea, lime, lemon grass, pea leaf, henna leaf (Laali), boil and add Alabukun Powder and take 3 times a day.

2. Sleeplessness: Mix undiluted honey with Aloe Vera juice, take half a cup before going to bed, or get some bitter leaves squeeze and take half a cup before going to bed.

3. Tooth Ache: Mix undiluted honey with lime juice and apply two or more drops to the affected part of your teeth or get a wonderful cola and chew around the area, if impossible, grind and mix with hot and apply.

4. Typhoid: Get coconut husk, starch water (omidun) and lime orange, boil together and take 3 times a day.

5. Man power: Buy a tin of peak milk, one local egg, mix together and stir well, add a pinch of alum powder and take.

6. Quick Delivery: When a pregnant woman is having a hard labour, get a bunch of draw leaf (Ewedu) and squeeze with the stem for once and let her take it; it will lubricate the system for easy delivery. It is also good for prevention from 6 months pregnancy. Hot Lipton also work wonder for quick delivery too.

7. Antidote: Against Snake, Scorpions, and other poisonous animal. Get 7 bitter colas, mix with 5 spoons of honey, milk, palm kernel oil, take as a single dose.

8. Worms: 8 Limes, lemon grass, dogoyaro, boil with pap water (starchy water) and take 3 times a day.

9. Ear Diseases: Mix pure honey, salt and little worm water together, put 2 drops in each ear and pack up with cotton wool.

10. Original jedijedi. (Smile): Buy garlic, scent leaf, ginger, palm oil, prepare together and apply on to the anus after bathing

Ways To Prevent Heart Disease


Ready to start your heart-healthy diet? Here are eight tips to get you started. Although you might know that eating certain foods can increase your heart disease risk, it’s often tough to change your eating habits. Whether you have years of unhealthy eating under your belt or you simply want to fine-tune your diet, here are eight heart-healthy diet tips. Once you know which foods to eat more of and which foods to limit, you’ll be on your way toward a heart-healthy diet.

Control Your Portion Size

How much you eat is just as important as what you eat. Overloading your plate, taking seconds and eating until you feel stuffed can lead to eating more calories than you should. Portions served in restaurants are often more than anyone needs.

Use a small plate or bowl to help control your portions. Eat larger portions of low-calorie, nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and smaller portions of high-calorie, high-sodium foods, such as refined, processed or fast foods. This strategy can shape up your diet as well as your heart and waistline.

After a conference on cancer prevention

* Some interesting points came up;
1. No to refined oil
2. No to milks of animal origin (e.g. nido.)
3. No to cubes
4. No to the consumption of the gasified juices of the different breweries (32 pieces of sugar per liter)
5. No refined sugars
6. No Microwave
7. No to mammography before delivery but echomamaire
8. No to too tight bras going to or after returning from work
9. No alcohol
10. No for reheating frozen meals
11. No to the conservation of water in the refrigerator in plastic bottles ...
12. All contraceptive pills are not good because they change the woman's homonal system and give cancer.
13. Deodorants are dangerous especially when used after shaving.
14. Breast-feeding women are less likely to have breast cancer than none breast-feeding women.
15. Cancer cells eat mainly sugar, everything is synthetic sugar even brown.
16. A cancer patient who suppresses sugar in his diet sees his disease regressed and can live long: sugar = deadly enemy.
17. A glass of beer stays 5 hours in the body and during this time the organs of the system are operating at idle speed.

Monday 27 November 2017

Health Benefits of Sugarcane.

Sugarcane (Rakke in hausa ireke - yoruba ), belongs to the grass family (Poaceae), It is available at a very cheap price for everyone so anyone can be part of its beneficial properties. Sugarcane can be chewed using the teeth or juiced by crushing the peeled sugarcane in the machine.
It first originated in the New Guinea which was then distributed all over the world.

Scientific Name – Saccharum officinarum

Family – Poaceae
Origin – Papua New Guinea
Other Names – Ganna (Hindi), Karumbu (Tamil), Karibpu (Malayalam), Cheruku (Telugu) Ireke (Yoruba).

Commercially, it is grown in many countries including South Asia, Southeast Asia, Brazil, Nigeria, Latin America etc. Sugarcane juice is one of the most common drinking juice.

Sugarcane contains combination of sugars like the glucose, sucrose and fructose.

Here are some of its health benefits:

Increases Muscle Power

Ganna provides natural glucose to the body, which is necessary for maintaining the body's muscle power.

Strengthens Major Body Organs

It assists to a great level in strengthening the major organs such as the eyes, stomach, heart, kidneys, mind, sex organs and etc if used regularly.

Helps Women Conceive faster
Women who are trying to conceive can indulge in having a glass of Sugarcane Juice daily because of its high folic acid content.

Rehydrates Body

Sugarcane quenches thirst by rehydrating the body thus known as the instant body booster and used by athletes.

Treats Fever

It is useful for a person suffering from fever and prevents protein loss in the body.

Treats Jaundice

Sugarcane Juice is very helpful in the treatment of jaundice, it provides instant recovery from jaundice by maintaining the glucose level in the body.

Remedy for Sore Throat

Sugarcane Juice is considered as the best home remedy for treating sore throat and flu.

Sugarcane (Rakke in hausa ireke - yoruba ), belongs to the grass family (Poaceae), It is available at a very cheap price for everyone so anyone can be part of its beneficial properties. Sugarcane can be chewed using the teeth or juiced by crushing the peeled sugarcane in the machine.
It first originated in the New Guinea which was then distributed all over the world.

Scientific Name – Saccharum officinarum

Family – Poaceae
Origin – Papua New Guinea
Other Names – Ganna (Hindi), Karumbu (Tamil), Karibpu (Malayalam), Cheruku (Telugu) Ireke (Yoruba).

Commercially, it is grown in many countries including South Asia, Southeast Asia, Brazil, Nigeria, Latin America etc. Sugarcane juice is one of the most common drinking juice.

Sugarcane contains combination of sugars like the glucose, sucrose and fructose.

Here are some of its health benefits:

Increases Muscle Power

Ganna provides natural glucose to the body, which is necessary for maintaining the body's muscle power.

Strengthens Major Body Organs

It assists to a great level in strengthening the major organs such as the eyes, stomach, heart, kidneys, mind, sex organs and etc if used regularly.

Helps Women Conceive faster
Women who are trying to conceive can indulge in having a glass of Sugarcane Juice daily because of its high folic acid content.

Rehydrates Body

Sugarcane quenches thirst by rehydrating the body thus known as the instant body booster and used by athletes.

Treats Fever

It is useful for a person suffering from fever and prevents protein loss in the body.

Treats Jaundice

Sugarcane Juice is very helpful in the treatment of jaundice, it provides instant recovery from jaundice by maintaining the glucose level in the body.

Remedy for Sore Throat

Sugarcane Juice is considered as the best home remedy for treating sore throat and flu.

Tips For Lowering of Blood Pressure And Cure For Hypertension.

There are some non-drug therapy measures that you need to take from today on:
1. Avoid taking artificial spices like Maggi, Royco, Onga, Vedan, Ajinomoto, Knorr, Chicken Knorr, Indomie spices, etc because they help raise your blood pressure. Instead, cook with natural spices like onions, ginger, clove, garlic, turmeric, Cinnamon, etc.
2. Avoid koun (Potash) for they raise blood pressure.
3. Avoid coffee and tea (e.g. lipton, toptea, etc).
4. Avoid energy drinks like Power horse, Red Bull, etc.
5. Avoid Alabukun and all caffein-containing drugs.
6. Reduce salt intake drastically.
7. Cook with garlic for it helps in normalising your blood pressure.
8. Take a tablespoonful of extra virgin olive oil twice daily for it helps in lowering your cholesterol level.
8. Eat more fish and less meat for fish oil reduces cholesterol while meat fat increases cholesterol and blood pressure.
9. Avoid sedentary lifestyle and engage in regular exercises daily.
10. Take 500mg Vitamin C daily by dissolving five tablets in a glass of water and drink. You may double it by taking it twice daily. It also helps to reduce cholesterol level and boosts your immunity.
11. Avoid kolanut for it raises blood pressure.
12. Avoid undue stress, worrying and anxiety. A stressful life, worrying and anxiety leads to poor sleep and high blood pressure.
By: Dr. Fuad-deen Olabisi Kekere-ekun.

Sunday 26 November 2017

Health Benefits of Water Leaf.

Healing powers of waterleaf

*Waterleaf, (Talinum triangulare), is one of those underrated and undervalued plants in Nigeria. Some even regard waterleaf as a nuisance, a stubborn weed that grows all year, though it flourished more during the rainy season.

*In many scientific studies and trails, waterleaf showed that it can inhibit proliferation of cancerous cells and shrink tumours. Other studies have been focused on its cerebral-protective potential and it indicates that consumption of waterleaf enhances brain activities and protect brain tissues.

*Waterleaf is also a good remedy for insomnia (sleeping disorder).

*Water leaf contains more proteins than cashew nuts, more pectin (a food fiber that helps digestion) than apples, and also have high level of vitamin B, essential amino acids, omega3-fatty acids, resins, iron, calcium, copper, lead, manganese and zinc. It is also a rich source of carotenoids, vitamin C, A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, alpha and beta tocopherols.

3 Simple Ways of Treating Diabetes

3 Simple ways of treating diabetes.
(1) Boil an egg, overnight. Peel it, and put it it in a small bown and add two spoonful of vinegar. Cover it overnight and eat it in the morning at least 30 minutes before breakfast. You do it for 30 consecutive days, you'll say goodbye to diabetes.
 (2) Boil some rice without salt at night. When the rice is well cooked, remove the water.
3) Keep the water in a small cup, cut 4 pieces of okro and put it into the rice water. All it overnight and drink it first thing in the morning before food.

Business Plan On The Establishment Small And Medium Scale Tomato Paste Production Factory.

i. Executive Summary     Our company is a Limited Liability Company based in Lagos, Nigeria. It is a business set up with a clear, dedi...