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Add a luminous note to your look with a Beauty Glazed Eyeshadow Palette ! Specially created to add just the right glow to your eyes, each palette contains a variety of silky smooth, vibrant colors in a convenient case. These easy blending and long-wear Beauty Glazed colors will keep your eyes radiant all day and night long! Choose from...
Add a luminous note to your look with a Beauty Glazed Eyeshadow Palette! Specially created to add just the right glow to your eyes, each palette contains a variety of silky smooth, vibrant colors in a convenient case. These easy blending and long-wear Beauty Glazed colors will keep your eyes radiant all day and night long! Choose from among three color palettes to suit a variety of looks and occasions: * 18-Color Beauty Glazed Perfect Mix Eye Shadow * 16-Color Beauty Glazed Rock Metal Eye Shadow * 14-Color Beauty Glazed Perfect Neutral Eye Shadow
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Monday 10 April 2017

Chicago Woman Becomes First Patient to Be Cured of Sickle Cell Disease

If you or someone you know suffers from sickle cell disease, hope is on the way. Iesha Thomas, who suffered from the disease herself, is the first person to be cured. This is huge!!!
Sickle cell affects one in every 500 African Americans in the U.S. But the good news is this disease might be on its way out. Fingers crossed.
Iesha Thomas, 33, was living with the disease that progressively got worse. It really wreaked havoc on her life after she gave birth to her daughter, resulting in her needing repeat blood transfusions and two hip replacements due to bone damage.

Widal, not valid test for typhoid — Doctors

Medical doctors have said that Widal test, a popular laboratory investigation prescribed by many hospitals for the diagnosis of typhoid in Nigeria, is no longer valid for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
According to the experts who spoke to our correspondent on Monday, 70 per cent of typhoid cases treated in Nigeria are as a result of misdiagnosis.
To accurately diagnose typhoid, a General Physician, Dr. James Atanda, noted that in addition to other clinical evaluations, patients must have their fecal and sometimes blood culture tests done.
“Typhoid is an illness you cannot just diagnose from a Widal test. It is not a valid test for diagnosing typhoid but many Nigerians don’t know this. The diagnosis of the disease involves a lot of clinical parameters and tests, including a culture of the patients’ waste products.”Atanda said.

The pill could protect women from cancer for 30 years –Study

The contraceptive pill can protect women from certain cancers for up to three decades, according to new research that has been collated over 40 years.
The study from the University of Aberdeen claims women are less likely to develop bowel cancer, endometrial cancer, or ovarian cancer.
It also found that despite previous fears of links to breast cancer, the Pill does not cause cancer later in life.
“What we found from looking at up to 44 years’ worth of data, was that having ever used the Pill, women are less likely to get colorectal, endometrial, and ovarian cancer,” said research head Dr. Lisa Iversen.
“So, the protective benefits from using the Pill during their reproductive years are lasting for at least 30 years after women have stopped using the Pill.

Five times you should stop drinking water

Image result for water bottle

Water not only keeps us hydrated, it also helps us avoid overeating, and could even help burn those unwanted extra calories.
However, experts say there are a few times when you should not drink water. Such as these ones…
When you’ve taken much water already
Experts say though it’s rare, you can still drink so much water to the point of putting your health at risk. For instance, integrative physician, Dr. Taz Bhatia, warns that if you drink enough to dilute your body’s natural balance of salt, you can become too low in sodium, medically known as hyponatremia. Too much water can also lead to cell swelling that can cause nausea, vomiting, seizures, and even death.
When your pee is clear
Each time you pee, take a look in the bathroom. If you see a light lemonade shade, you’ve reached optimal hydration status. If you see only clear urine in the bowl, you can probably reduce your water intake a little. Darker yellow is a sign that you need water.

Foods to avoid when over 40

You have heard the popular saying that a fool at 40 is a fool for forever. That tells you that Age-40 is very important. Turning 40 is a milestone in any person’s life and with it, comes an adjustment that needs to be made to improve the health status of the individual. For instance, the person needs to make dietary changes because as a person advances in age, the body’s metabolism begins to slow down.

One person who has recognized the need to make lifestyle modifications at age-40 is former international football star, Kanu Nwankwo, who organised a soccer match for men over 40 in 2016 as a way of helping them improve their health.

Foods to avoid when over 40 include those that can increase your risk for disease or worsen conditions you already have. I


It is no longer news that we are in recession in Nigeria because the price of oil is falling daily and oil is the only product we export to earn foreign exchange. The truth is that nobody knows the time this recession will come to an end. The federal government is seriously investing in agriculture by providing loan facilities to people who have interest in farming and agriculture generally through cooperative societies. The government is trying it's best, but individuals should also think about how to survive this unfavourable period. The e-book revealed and explained 15 ways people can survive the present recession.

Saturday 8 April 2017


Arthritis refers to about 25 different diseases, the most common type of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gouty arthritis.All these are characterised by inflammation in one or more joints.

Causes of arthritis: The causes of  arthritis is mostly unkown. In most cases, it is cause by the stress of sprains, joint injuries and infection. Some researchers believe it is the inability to produce endorphins or naturally produced pain-killers.

Signs and symptoms of arthritis:Inflammation of the joint, swelling, pain and loss of function.
Usually if the left knee is affected, the right knee is also affected, though in a different degree. Sometimes associated with fever. Usually reappears at exposure to cold.


     Table of contents
1.   Cure for Dandruff
2.   Preparation of Black Toning shower Gel
3.   Treatment of pimples and acne
4.   Enhancers
5.   Cure for stretched mark
6.   Production of shea butter cream
7.   Treatment for Rough Skin
8.   Lightening Effect
9.   Harmattan Body Cream Recipe

Cure for Dandruff
 Dandruff can be completely cured with the help of sodium bicarbonate. For ladies, this can be very helpful. Get your hair wet with water; apply a handful amount of sodium bicarbonate down to your scalp. Rinse your hair thoroughly with water, after sometime.
For the sake of people who might be having issue with measurement in kg. Let’s use tin milk cup as our measurement here, especially in measuring our soap base.
So, our base is assumed to be in powder form fight now but has to be made into paste before other things come in.
To get the accurate measurement for our base (black soap) using the tin milk cup, you can crush into pieces.
1.     Black soap (base).......................3 cups
2.     Omi aro grinning..............7 spoons
3.     Shea butter..................1 spoon
4.     Coconut oil....................2 spoons
5.     Honey.............2 spoons
6.     Nutmeg...........................1/2 spoon
7.     Lime juice............6-8 spoons
8.     Lemon juice.............2-3 spoons
9.     Corn flour..............1 spoon
10.                        Turmeric powder............ 2-5 spoons
11.                        Alovera gel......... 2-3 spoons
12.                        Distilled or dioinized water.......5 spoons

Children Suffering From Meningitis Lying On The Floor In Zamfara General Hospital (Photos)

A facebook user, Shanooun Sahnun shared the following photos of children suffering from meningitis disease lying on the floor of Shehu Shagari Hospital in Zamfara state, Nigeria.

He wrote: This is Shehu Shagari Hospital, Gusau Zamfara state, following pictures are young children infected with meningitis disease in Hospital,Please look at the way Abdul Aziz Yari Abubakar decided to put his stae and claims that the disease was punishment from God; can this man has pity on his people? Can he care about children?can he allow his own children to be treated that way? If you  asked they will say they are waiting for Federal Government to intervene after all grant, bailout, Paris loan refund.

Friday 7 April 2017


Sex is what makes a man productive in life.In some people this act of sex becomes difficult to perform. Impotence is the failure of a man to achieve an erection, and is more common in older men than younger men.Some people suffering from impotence can have an erection but cannot ejaculate semen.

Causes of Impotence:Psychological: The main reason why a man cannot have an erection is psychological.He might be worried, over tired and over stressed or lacking self confidence, or it might be due to criticism or excessive demand for his performance  by his woman.Constant fear of impregnating a lady or negative feeling about sex can cause impotence.

Physical : Certain diseases like diabetes, severe depression or severe reaction to a particular drug can also cause impotence. Excessive alcohol and cigarette can contribute to impotence.

Signs & symptoms : There are many types of impotence: If the problem is a short-lived one, it is normal. But when the problem continues after a period of normal sexual function, it has to be given attention to urgently. Few people have difficulty in achieving good erection that could sustain intercourse

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Dysentry And Diarrhea.

Dysentry  refers to repeated passage of blood or mucus or both in the stool preceded by severe pain in the abdomen.

Causes:- There are two types of dysentry - Amoebic dysentry due to Ectamoeba histolytica, a parasite and Bacillary dysentry due to bacteria called Shigella. The disease is caused mainly due to consumption of water or food contaminated by these organisms.

Tuesday 4 April 2017


Diabetes mellitusis one of the commonest diseases  in the world. It is a life-long problem.It affects one in every 100 people.In most case, it can be kept under control by daily usage of drugs.Dietics also helps in the management.

Definition:- Diabetes mellitus is a disease of impaired carbohydrate utilization caused by an absolute or relative deficiency of insulin.
There are two main types of diabetes: insulin dependent diabetes and non-insulin dependent diabetes.

(1)Insulin dependent diabetes: This occurs when the body produces no insulin. This usually develops in the early teens though it sometimes appear later in life. This type of diabetes usually develops quickly, often over a few days. The young adult feels increasingly weak, becomes intensely thirsty, and passes large volume of urine. He/she may lose weight rapidly because draws on its stores of fats or energy and unable to use or store its glucose.There may also be sleeplessness and confusion. The condition can worsene without treatment to the extent that the diabetic may lose consiousness and pass into a coma.The breath may smell of alcohol.


Constipation is one of the sicknesses which is very common in elderly people. It affects six in every 10 people.
Causes of constipation:-The cause of constipation is mainly due to lack of good eating habits like absence of green vegetables, inadequate quantity of fruits in meals which are taken regularly.This residue is essential to form the stool 'base'. The body needs sufficient quantity of water to keep the stool soft as the bulk of the stool is due to its water quantity.It is good to give reasonable time to passage of stool. Some people , because of tight work schedule, give very small time for proper defecation. People staying in a crowded room, flat or house are also prone to the problem. Also people who formed the habit of holding on and not attending nature's call in time, in due cause even a full rectum stops sending calls. This leads to chronic constipation. Gastro Colic Reflex is a reflex phenomenon whereby, anything reaching the stomach stimulates the colon, and result in a call to evacuate immediately. The only sure remedies to constipation is good eating and defecating habits. In woman who have given births repeatedly, the tone of the abdominal and pelvic muscles is lost. Most of these woman do not tone their abdominal muscles through exercise. Most drugs taken for headache, high blood pressure,abdominal pain and hyper-acidity can also cause constipation

Saturday 1 April 2017

Signs And Symptoms of Anaemia.

People suffering from anaemia usually feel tired because the body is not receiving enough oxygen for it's routine needs.The face becomes pale and the skin lose it's healthy bloom. If the condition becomes severe the ankles may swell and the person will also be short of breath.

-Herbal remedy:
The best remedy is adjusting diet. Eat a nutritious and well balanced diet.Meals should contain meat, especially kidney and liver and all dairy products are rich in iron and vitamin B12 Folic acid is found in green vegetables.


Anaemia means blood shortage or lack of red blood cells. People who do not have enough red blood cells in their blood stream are said to be suffering from Anaemia. There are many types of anaemia, the cause of anaemia is mostly iron deficiency.

Herbal Solution To Obesity.

Herbal ginger tea is an excellent fasting staple, it is believed to help reduce weight and helps relieve pain and a  remedy against cold.

How to administer the herbal drug.
Prepare the herbal ginger tea using half a teaspoon of  grated ginger into eight ounces of boiling water, mix in a covered pot and let the herb remain in the water for about 15 minutes at a stretch, This will allow the water to fully extract the juices from the fresh ginger. After it cooled down slowly strain the water and add honey to sweeten the tea.

Business Plan On The Establishment Small And Medium Scale Tomato Paste Production Factory.

i. Executive Summary     Our company is a Limited Liability Company based in Lagos, Nigeria. It is a business set up with a clear, dedi...